Hi! I'm Ju Peng 🙋🏻♂️
- A Front-end Rookie 🐣
- Of course, you can call me Anthony Ju 😬
Some of my information 📝
- 👨🏻🎓 Graduated from Qufu Normal University in 2019
- 😘 Have a girlfriend
- 🏚️ Location Qingdao, Shandong, China
- 📚 Learning emmmm, everything?
- 🏢 Working in a certain Qingdao Technology Co., Ltd. from 2020 to now
My hobbies ✨
- 🏕️ Camp
- 💻 Coding
- 🍗 Foodie
- 🎮 Play games
- 🎥 Watch movies
My Technology Stack 👨💻
- Basis:HTML、CSS、JavaScript、Typescript and a little C#
- Framework:Vue、Uniapp、React、Nuxt、QFramework
- Efficiency:Unocss、Pinia、VueUse、ElementPlus、Echarts、ArcGIS、Threejs
- Engineering:Vite、npm、cnpm、pnpm
- Server:Nodejs、Nestjs
- Team:Jira、SVN、Git
- Tools:VSCode、Typora、VS、Unity
Contact Me ☎️
- Email:1662345805@qq.com
- Github:AnthonyJu
- WeChat: hwy961117